Art of Winter- Travel Alberta and the Globe and Mail

Warm Urban Alberta Winter.jpg

I was commissioned by the Globe and Mail to create a Warm Winter painting in Urban Alberta for Travel Alberta in the Globe and Mail. I created the 40 x 40” painting which I titled ‘Warm Urban Alberta Winter’ and Brianne Jang of BB Collective photographed the full piece and smaller details of the painting to capture all the areas. I was interviewed for the piece by a writer from Banff and they created beautiful online art experiences with ten Alberta artists that went live in January 2021. It was a warm and heartening capturing of Alberta artworks created by the Globe during the confining months of covid. My painting was also one of the selected works in the print version of the Globe and Mail and they delivered a complimentary copy to me in Edmonton, and to my parents in Montreal.


Urban Terrain


Arts at the Farm